Be a part of a new way of doing church that encourages participation through its online church which is a communication tool to reach Millenials and Youth and all age groups.
- We start with our own Lutheran Christian Millenials and Youth that have a strong desire to participate in Ministry, Missions, Evangelizing, Bible Study and DIscipleship.
- We train them to reach out to their Secular Peers using our online church communication tool.
- We challenge them to build their own Evangelizing, Missions , Ministry and Discipleship programs tailored to reach their Secular peers.
- Yes we will have an earthbound church!
- This will allow this church to engage our entire congregation in meaningful Ministry, Discipleship and Missions that reach out to all age groups.
- The building will have space for Millenials and Youth to develop their own outreach Video’s and Bible studies to be produced for reaching out to their secular peers.
- Yes even this church will be different!
- The Sunday service will complement the church ministries, and missions
- The service will be in the building and online.
- Our Church is Theologically in line with the Missouri Synod.
- Meeting room space
- Funds to hire a Pastor and staff
- Funds for Audio Video Equipment to be used by Millenials and Youth for the production of Christian outreach programs and Bible Study used to reach the secular world.
- Upgrading of the website allowing for maximum use of the outreach forums.
If you wish to make a donation the check should be made out to
Pacific Southwest District.
1540 Concordia Drive East
Irvine California 92612-3203
Office of the President
You should indicate on the check that it is for Faith In Action Lutheran Church Apache Junction. The donation then will be forwarded to our church.
A Member of the the Missouri Synod
Pacific Southwest Disrict