Step Two: Assurance
Welcome to the family of God! As a result of your commitment to Jesus Christ as your personal savior you can now fully enjoy this life and the eternal life to come. It has become your joy to fulfill God’s wonderful purposes for your life.
Receiving Christ means you have become a child of God (John 1:12). By believing in Him you have come into the possession of eternal life (John 3:16; 3:36; 6:47). Additionally, you will be spending eternity in Heaven and not in Hell (John 5:24). And, you will certainly arrive safely forever in the presence of Christ at the end of your time on this planet (John 10:27-29).
Our prayer is that you may be abundantly blessed as you follow the leading of God in your life. And, to do that you need to begin reading your Bible on a daily basis. When you do that be sure to take some time for prayer where you are alone with the Lord. Also, be sure to fellowship and worship with other believers. These practices will strengthen the wonderful assurance God offers you by His Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16-17).