Step Nine: Witnessing
As a Christian it is your privilege and duty to share the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace with those who have not believed (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8, 13-15). People without faith in Jesus Christ as their savior are lost in their sins and will be separated from a holy God for all eternity. Lost people are very valuable to God (Luke 19:1-10). We must be witnesses of the love of God to the lost by the testimony of our lips and our lifestyle.
The natural audiences available to share the gospel with are those people you have the closest and most natural relationship with. Be sensitive for their sense of sin and need. Clearly communicate to them the facts of the Gospel. Those facts are: all have sinned (Romans 3:23). The consequence of sin is spiritual death (Romans 6:23). Christ died in our place as the perfect and complete sacrifice for our sin (Romans 5:8). Three days after His crucifixion He was raised from the dead. If one believes in Jesus as their personal savior from sin they are then saved from sin’s damning effects (Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10).
Before you attempt to share your faith be certain that you have prayed sufficiently for the challenge, and that you have invited the Holy Spirit of God to prepare those you plan to share your faith with. Consider praying for specific individuals that they might be receptive to the gospel message. And, have plenty of Scripture memorized to recall when opportunity affords itself to share your faith.
When sharing your faith witness with kindness, respect, dignity, clarity and patience. Be a good but courageous listener. Speak when permitted.
If you have the honor and joy of seeing someone come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior, you must have a follow-up plan for the convert in which you hold yourself personally accountable for the plan’s completion.
Finally, you might consider taking the convert through the Eight Steps we have just walked through together in a reasonably scheduled